Sunday, June 12, 2011

Beautiful Bugs

I've made it a point on this blog to rail against my sworn enemy -- the Miami cockroach, known down here as the Palmetto bug. Luckily, the tropics also harbor some strikingly bright and colorful insects that don't make my stomach churn in disgust.

Behold the iridescent, spotted evolutionary marvel that I recently caught sight of on my mailbox.

The palm tree in my front yard has lately been home to a bright green lizard that resembles the Geico gecko.

A few weeks ago, while walking my roach killing dog, I spotted a butterfly just emerged from its cocoon.

Miami is also home to a particular click beetle with glowing green eyes. Yes, it's slightly roach-like, but it's eyes light up brighter than the little green lights on my modem. It's a sci-fi alien bug.

For as long as roaches have been trolling this planet, you'd think they could've evolved some type of non-repulsive feature. Don't hold your breath, world; they're apparently set on offending humanity's collective sense of sight.


  1. That first bug IS beautiful. Though, to be fair, if i saw it in person I would still probably squeal and run away. Nice shot of the emerging butterfly.

  2. I had to stand just a few inches away from it to get that shot, so I'm pretty proud of myself. That bug and the butterfly were motionless. The only one that wouldn't cooperate was the lizard. It zipped up the tree in no time.

  3. The first bug picture is a Polka Dot Wasp Moth or better known as the Oleander Moth. They are attracted to Oleander and their larvae feed off of it. The picture you captured of the butterfly emerging from his Chrysalis is one that personally raise. It is a Gulf Fritillary and their larvae feed on the Passion Vine. As much as I love the butterfly's we have in Florida I wish the Roaches were eliminated. UGH they make my skin crawl when I prune my palm tree's!

  4. Thanks for the bug lesson, Mr./Ms. Anonymous. I think that "Oleander Moth" is a lovely, fitting name for such a beautiful insect.
